CCSD is accepting applications for Part-Time Associates. Apply at the District Office at 140 E Albia Road.
CCSD Library Catalog
FY 25 Notice of Public Hearing-Property Tax Levy
2024-2025 School District Calendar
Open Enrollment 2025-26 - The application & process for open enrollment are outlined in the open enrollment application. Please mail, email, or fax copies of the application to your resident and attending school district.

Health and Wellness

The Chariton Community School District employees a full-time nurse to assist with the medical needs of their students.

Nurse Donna Krutsinger travels to all buildings to provide health services to our students. Mrs. Krutsinger can be reached by calling your child's school:

Health Screenings

The following health screenings are tentatively scheduled to occur during the school year. Other screenings may be scheduled as the need arises:

Additional health information, including immunization requirements, absence policies, and more are included below:


Health Resources

©2025 Chariton CSD